Rockhampton City Brass Band


Rockhampton City Band is a community concert band, based in Rockhampton, and sharing our music across the Rockhampton and wider Capricorn Coast region. 

Our playing members comprise teachers, students, nurses, pharmacists, public servants, church leaders, sales and hospitality staff, and very active retirees! 

We are young (and not so young) adults who share a love of playing and celebrating music. Some of us picked up our instruments as adults; some have been playing since school – and we’re always welcoming new players to our merry band of music makers.

Since its inception in 1873 and through its many incarnations, Rockhampton City Band has continued to maintain a high musical standard and adapt its membership and playing repertoire to meet the changing musical interests and talents in town.  We are proud of our longevity - the band celebrated 150 years in 2023! -  and look forward to many more music-filled years ahead. 

Rockhampton City Band welcomes all adult and young adult players to come and try a rehearsal and see if we are the band for them. If you are interested in picking up or dusting off your brass, woodwind or percussion instrument, please join the band for rehearsals on Monday evenings at the Fred Fox Hall from 6:30-8:30pm during school terms. 

Email: for more information.



Fred Fox Hall,  Corner Gladstone Road and William Street,  Rockhampton City 4700  View Map

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