Animal Management Strategy
Council adopted the Domestic Animal Management (Cats and Dogs) Strategy 2020-2023 at its Ordinary Meeting in March 2020.
Council has developed the strategy to:
- promote and enhance responsible pet ownership across the region
- inform the community about council’s role and future priorities in animal management.
The Animal Management Strategy(PDF, 11MB) endorses the vision of ‘your pet, your responsibility’. Council understands that pets are an important part of people’s lives. They provide companionship and contribute to enhanced wellbeing in many homes and families. However, keeping a cat or dog is a large and often long-term commitment. Owners are responsible for keeping their animals healthy and safe. They must also ensure their animal:
- is on a lead in a public place unless otherwise signed
- does not create a nuisance
- does not endanger others.
The strategy assists by outlining:
- the requirements and considerations that exist for keeping a cat or dog
- what council does and needs to do to support responsible pet ownership
The Animal Management (Cats and Dogs) Act 2008 and council local laws direct animal management requirements and operations.