Council's Role & Plans
The Rockhampton Region is a wonderful place to live but like any other area in Australia, there is a serious side with the risk of natural disaster such as bushfires, flood, cyclones and heatwaves.
Rockhampton Regional Council is committed to ensuring our region is prepared for any disaster, and has plans and groups implemented, in accordance with the Disaster Management Act 2003, to mitigate, prepare for, respond to, and recover from disasters within the Rockhampton Region.
Find out about the role Council plays in preparing for, responding to and recovering from disasters.
Local Disaster Management Group (LDMG)
The Rockhampton Local Disaster Management Group (LDMG) is a multi-agency group created by council, which works to protect the community from the effects of disasters in the region. The LDMG is responsible for developing and implementing the Local Disaster Management Plan (LDMP) to manage disaster operations in the area.
In the event of a disaster, the LDMG will activate the Local Disaster Coordination Centre (LDCC), which plans and implements strategies and activities on behalf of the LDMG. The LDCC is managed by Council and is staffed by local government employees, local emergency services, and non-government organisations.
When the LDMG exceeds its capacity to respond at a local level, or expends its resources, the group will seek assistance and support from higher levels of government.
Local Disaster Management Plan (LDMP) and Sub Plans
The Local Disaster Management Plan (LDMP) and Sub Plans help govern the response and recovery of our community in the event of a disaster.
Governing Plans
Rockhampton Region Emergency Risk Management Assessment
Our Emergency Risk Management Assessment contains a clear and up to date assessment of the natural hazards that could impact our community, detailing how exposed we are and the strengths and mitigation strategies we have in place.
Importantly, this document shows the events we typically see as a threat to our community may not be the threats that pose the greatest risks moving forward.
Already over the past few years we have seen an increase in the severity and frequency of bushfires; historically, something we haven’t often faced. Over the next few years, these events are likely to become even more extreme and complex.
As we adapt to new threats, it is more essential than ever that we look to understand precisely the risks we’re facing, and what we need to do to prepare. This risk assessment will inform the actions taken at Council as well as by the Rockhampton Region Local Disaster Management Group and emergency services organisations across our Region.
Everyone in our community is encouraged to take this information into consideration as they prepare their own households for the risks they may face.