Flying Fox Roosts - What Council and you can do

What Council may do

Council is aware that flying foxes play an important role in the environment and will not interfere with a roost in the region without rigorous consideration. Council has developed a Statement Management Intent(PDF, 464KB) to outline what Council will do in relation to flying fox management. Council will only consider conducting flying fox roost management activities on roosts that are located on Council land. Flying fox roosts located on private and State land would be the responsibility of the private landholder or the state government.

What you can do

Private property owners who wish to undertake low impact activities such as mowing, mulching, weeding and minor trimming of trees on their own land may do so as long as it complies with the Code of Practice - Low Impact activities affecting Flying Fox Roosts.

For activities not considered 'low impact' then the private landholder must obtain a Flying Fox Roost Management Permit from the Department of Environment and Science.

Any work conducted on private land will be at the landholders expense.

Resident Flying-Fox Grant Program

The Resident Flying-Fox grant program provides financial support to residents and community organisations who have been directly impacted by the flying-fox roosts located at Westwood and the Rockhampton Botanic Gardens. During 2023, these roosts have been impacted by the presence of large numbers on Black flying-foxes or Little Red flying-foxes. The aim of the program is to assist impacted residents in alleviating the negative impacts on property caused by seasonal influxes of the flying-foxes or by flying-fox control activities.