Are all water restrictions lifted?

All water restrictions have been lifted

All water restrictions in Mount Morgan were lifted in April 2024.  

While there are no longer restrictions, it’s still important to be water wise and conserve water when possible. 

Information on how to be water wise at home is available here.


Where does Mount Morgan’s drinking water come from?

Mount Morgan's water supply is currently sourced from the No 7 Dam, Mount Morgan. 

From 2021 to 2024, Rockhampton Regional Council carted water to Mount Morgan from Rockhampton’s water supply after the No 7 dam levels fell below 10 percent in 2021. 

In early 2024, the No 7 Dam was refilled after significant rainfall and Council transitioned residents from carted water to dam water over a three week period in April 2024. 

Carted water has now ceased and Council will continue to use water from the No 7 Dam while the Mount Morgan Water Supply Pipeline Project is being constructed. Once complete, the pipeline will connect Mount Morgan with Rockhampton’s water supply on a permanent basis.

Council acknowledges the Queensland Government's significant contribution of $10.8 million towards the water carting program during this challenging period.



Will there be a difference between the two water sources?

Residents and business may notice a slight difference in taste between water from the Fitzroy River and water from the No 7 Dam.

Transitioning to dam water over a period will help residents adjust to this change.

Long-term residents and business will be connected to Rockhampton’s water supply through the pipeline which is due to be completed by September 2025.



Is the Dam water safe?

Yes, Council is required to meet stringent drinking water guidelines.

Drinking water from the No 7 Dam has been treated through the Mount Morgan Water Treatment Plant and meets all the required testing and drinking water guidelines.




Will this change my water charges?

No, there will be no changes to water charges as a result of this announcement.

Council sets its water pricing and charges each year as part of its Council Budget.



Why do we need the pipeline if the dam is full?

The pipeline is needed as a long-term, permanent solution to Mount Morgan’s water security issues.

While the dam is currently full, Mount Morgan is prone to periods of localised drought and low rainfall in the dam catchment.

The pipeline will remove this issue by connecting Mount Morgan to Rockhampton’s water supply.

The $88.2 Mount Morgan Water Supply Pipeline Project is jointly funded by the Federal Government ($30 million), the Queensland Government ($40.4 million) and Rockhampton Regional Council ($17.8 million).




Is the dam safe for recreational use?

The dam is open for recreational use subject to the consideration of risks related to cyanobacteria (Blue-green algae) which remains prevalent in the dam.

Signage is located at the dam boat ramp which provides the latest advice and information.


Questions or further information

Further questions or information about Mount Morgan’s drinking water and the No 7 Dam?

Contact us via:

Email: enquiries@rrc.qld.gov.au 

Phone: 4932 9000

You can message us on Facebook.


Who is funding the Mount Morgan Pipeline?

The Mount Morgan Water Supply Pipeline Project is jointly funded by the Federal Government ($30 million), The Queensland Government ($40.4 million) and Rockhampton Regional Council ($17.8 million).

The Queensland Government has also contributed $10.8 million towards water carting which ceased in April 2024.