Be a BINfluencer

Are you your street’s BINfluencer? Nominate now for your chance to win BINfluencer of the month! 

BINfluencer noun

‘a person in your street that sorts household waste items into the right kerbside bins and takes the lead in putting the correct bins out on collection day, thus prompting neighbours to follow suit.’

Do you tick the BINfluencer boxes? 

✅ Have your household recyclables sorted?

I put glass bottles and jars, paper and cardboard, steel tins, aluminium cans, aerosols and accepted plastic containers (numbered 1,2,4,5) in my yellow lid recycling bin.

✅ Keep lids off your household recyclables?

I take lids off bottles, jars and containers before putting them in my yellow lid bin.

✅ Keep your household recyclables clean?

I give my recyclable food containers a quick rinse before putting them in my yellow lid bin.

✅ Keep your household recyclables loose?

I place all my recyclable items loose in my yellow lid bin and never bag/contain items.

✅ Place your yellow lid bin out correctly on its fortnightly collection day?

I ensure my bin lid is closed, bins have 30cm space between them and 1m distance from obstacles.  

If you ticked all these boxes enter now to go into the draw to win! Your entry will be placed in a monthly draw and cross checked against results of Council’s Bin Health Check Program.

Win prizes!

  • As the monthly winner, you will be recognised as a BINfluencer and feature in Council’s Residential Recycling Program.
  • As a BINfluencer, you will win a Rockhampton Zoo Encounter (to the value of $110.00) plus a Reviva Ibis Reuse Shop Gift Voucher (to the value of $40.00).

Entering is easy! 

Check out our monthly BINfluencers below! 
Monthly winners announced soon!