Red lid General Waste Wheelie Bin
Rockhampton Regional Waste and Recycling provides weekly collection of general waste bins (red lid) for properties within declared collection areas. Household general waste bins have a red lid or superseded dark green lid. General waste refers to everyday household waste that can be placed into your red lid bin.
To find out your red lid general waste bin collection day, use our handy ‘search your bin day’ tool.
Refuse, reduce and reuse to help reach zero waste to landfill.
Let's get your household waste sorted!
Knowing what items can go in your household bins or be taken to one of our Waste Facilities will help to increase resource recovery, help build a local circular economy and move towards a zero waste community together.
Check what can go in your wheelie bins on the 'Sort my waste'. Simply search the name of an item you would like to know what to do with and Recycle Mate will provide the best disposal option.
Help reduce how much your household puts in your red lid bin by asking:
- Can it be refused next time?
- Can it be reused, repaired, repurposed or resold?
- Can it be donated responsibly?
- Can it be dropped to a Council Waste Facility for free?
Find out more waste avoidance and reduction tips for your household.
Let's keep it safe!
For the safety of staff and community members, the following items are NOT permitted in your red lid bin:
No recyclable items
No items accepted in specialised recycling programs such as TechCollect, Bcycle, Mobile Muster, or items accepted in yellow-lid bins
No hazardous materials
No asbestos, tyres, carpet, treated timber, contaminated soils, biosecurity waste, chemicals, herbicides, pesticides, poisons, corrosives
No flammable materials
No batteries, flares, gas bottles, hot ash, ammunition, explosives
No liquid waste
No sludge, oils, fuels, paints
Not overweight
No bulky items that lodge in bin, large quantities of heavy materials like rocks, bricks, construction and demolition
Contact Rockhampton Regional Waste & Recycling on 4932 9000 for advice about hazardous and regulated waste before attending a Waste Facility.
Tips to help with your red lid bin:
- Store your bin out of direct sunlight in a well ventilated area.
- Bag or box green waste to keep it contained during collection.
- Wrap and freeze smelly items, like prawn shells, until your weekly bin collection day.
- Consider staggering large quantities of spoilt, green or rotten fallen fruit, such as mangos, as they can become too heavy and cause odour and bin weight issues.
- Keep the bin lid closed to deter animals and insects.
- Hose out and disinfect your bin after collection.