Community Recycling Centre


Drive through area is staffed 7days a week, 7am to 5pm at Lakes Creek Road Waste Management Facility.

While there’s a charge for residents to dispose of general waste at the landfill, it’s free to recycle a lot of items, so it makes absolute sense to separate out your items and drive through the Community Recycling Centre (CRC) first.

By making it as easy as possible for customers to quickly understand where to drive, what to separate, and where to go for assistance, it means that more people will be able to save money and make a responsible choice, without sacrificing their time.

Items that can be recycled for free or at reduced charges include:

  • E-waste (computers, TVs, printers, Keyboards and mouse and all cables, mobile phones)
  • Scrap metal and some white goods (car parts, offcuts, microwave, stove) - note refrigerated appliances incur a fee
  • Car batteries
  • Gas bottles and cylinders
  • Fire extinguishers (water, CO2 and powder only)
  • EPIRBs and flares
  • Bulk cardboard
  • Commingled recyclables
  • Paint (architectural paint, undercoats, deck coatings, stains, varnishes)
  • Domestic cooking or motor oils (20L quantity or less)
  • Garden organic waste fees apply
  • Tyres fees apply
  • Inner spring mattresses fees apply
  • Items with potential for re-sale at our reuse store, Reviva Ibis

This is a shared zone for pedestrians and vehicles, so it’s also absolutely important that this area is as safe as possible.

The CRC includes pictograms, directional signs, line marking and colour coding designed to make it simple, safe and fast for residents to separate their materials and recycle effectively.

Collection points for other specialised recycling programs 

Chemicals and drums

Both drumMUSTER and ChemClear are national product stewardship programs funded by a 6c per lt/kg levy on participating manufacturers products, collected by AgStewardship Australia Ltd. 

These programs aim to reduce the quantity of unused or obsolete Australian agricultural and veterinary chemicals and their clean, empty metal or plastic containers stored on properties and in businesses across Australia - reducing negative impacts on the environment, people and trade in the future.

Chemicals and containers eligible for collection for FREE under the program will display the drumMUSTER/ChemClear logo on the container.

For more information visit ChemClear and drumMUSTER.

Containers for Change

To help improve our recycling efforts and keep our beautiful environment litter-free, Containers for Change scheme lets people get a 10 cent refund for each eligible container returned to a refund point.

What containers are eligible for a refund?

Most aluminium, glass, plastic, steel and liquid paperboard beverage containers between 150ml and 3 litres are eligible for a refund.
Drink containers generally consumed only at home (eg. cordial, plain milk, wine and spirit bottles, condiments and cleaning) are excluded.
Look for the refund mark; "10c refund at collection depot in participating state/ territory of purchase".

Visit Containers for Change website for frequently asked questions and to search for container refund points.





E-waste is the term used for unwanted or unused electronic goods. E-waste can be recycled into new electronic goods. It cannot be placed in your wheelie bin. E-waste can be disposed of for free at the following Waste Management Facilities:

  • Lakes Creek Road
  • Gracemere  

Items accepted include:

  • Personal and laptop computers (any brand) including monitors, internal hard drives, CD drives
  • Computer accessories e.g. mice, keyboards, web cameras, USBs, modems, all cables
  • Tablets, notebooks, palmtops 
  • Printers, faxes, scanners
  • Televisions.

Items NOT accepted include:

  • Game consoles
  • Video recorders and DVD
  • Whitegoods and household appliances
  • Power tools
  • Non-computer batteries
  • Radios and stereo equipment.

Officeworks also accepts e-waste and customers can take up to five items from computer systems including; desktops, laptops, computer mice, monitors, printers, scanners, multifunction printers, keyboards, computer power supplies, printed circuit boards, motherboards, network cards, disks and CD drives. Items not accepted include; televisions, gaming consoles and electronic games, software, digital cameras, electronic equipment, videos and hi-fi equipment. Monitors with broken screens if they can’t be safely handled by our team members.

Household batteries

  • ALDI Stores (Only AA, AAA, C, D, 9v - any brand, rechargeable or not)


Mobile Phones

Nespresso Capsules

  • Lakes Creek Florist
  • Every Blooming Thing


An Australian paint industry-led initiative to divert unwanted architectural and decorative paint and packaging from landfill for both household and trade painters. Funded through a 15c plus GST per litre levy on eligible products.

Paintback accepts a maximum of 100 litres per visit to a collection site of unwanted paint and packaging (wet or dry) in containers no larger than 20 litres.

Eligible products include;

  • Deck coatings and floor paints
  • Interior and exterior architectural paint (typically not a specialty coat, industrial maintenance or original equipment manufacture)
  • Packaging (plastic and metal containers in which paint was originally sold in)
  • Primers
  • Sealers
  • Stains and shellacs
  • Undercoats
  • Varnishes and urethanes (single components)
  • Wood coatings

Not accepted products are also listed on the paintback website.

Printer Cartridges

Planet Ark are the host for the printer cartridge recycling program paid for by manufacturers. If your workplace uses more than 3 cartridges a month you can receive a free collection box. Organise through Planet Ark.

Or use the following local free drop off points:

  • Lakes Creek Road Community Recycling Centre 
  • Australia Post
  • Harvey Norman
  • JB Hi-Fi
  • The Good Guys
  • Officeworks

Soda Stream Cylinders

  • Kmart
  • The Good guys
  • Thomo's Betta Electrical
  • Big W
  • Spotlight

 Cylinder is cleaned, inspected and refilled for reuse. 

Soft Plastics

Soft plastics are not recyclable in the yellow lid wheelie bin. The REDcycle Program is the only way to keep plastic bags and soft plastic packaging out of landfill. Visit the REDcycle website for drop off locations. 


Stationery (pens and pen caps, mechanical pencils, markers and marker caps, permanent markers, and permanent marker caps)

  • Buy the TerraCycle Zero Waste Box from Officeworks, price includes shipping and recycling costs. 



Alma Street Veterinary Hospital (no sheets or blankets)