Wade Street, Parkhurst - Roadworks

  • Project typeRoadworks
  • Project scheduleWorks commenced September 2024 and are estimated to take approximately (9) nine months to complete, subject to weather and ground conditions.

Roadworks are about to commence in Wade Street from Alexandra Street to McLaughlin Street, Parkhurst. The works to be undertaken will include installation of stormwater pipes, kerb and channel construction, new asphalt surfacing and street lighting upgrades. 

During this time Wade Street will be subject to various road closures, with a detour in place for through traffic at Johnson Street and McLaughlin Street. Traffic Controllers will be in place to facilitate access to businesses within the area, during working hours. There will also be restrictions to parking in certain areas of Wade Street for the duration of works.

Council requests that drivers exercise caution during these works; obeying all signage, and do not park vehicles on the road whilst the works are being undertaken.





Wade Street, Parkhurst 4702  View Map

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