Buying, selling and searches

House sold

Property records are important to consider if you are buying or selling a property. Gathering information about a property prior to purchase can assist you during the sale process and in the long run.

Information such as current building, plumbing or planning approvals, what is identified in the Planning Scheme for the property and if there are any outstanding financial charges related to the property is valuable to inform your purchasing decision.     

Property Searches provided by Council

The following information can be provided by Council via the Property Search Form(PDF, 377KB)

Rates and Water Searches

Rates Search
A rates search provides full rates financial information including if there are any arrears or interest outstanding for a particular property.

Water Account Search – Onsite Read
A water meter reading is completed on a specific date.  This search provides details of current water usage charges and if there is an outstanding balance for a particular property.

Water Account Search – Averaged Read
An averaged water records search provides an average of the last four water meter reads and includes current water usage charges and if there is an outstanding balance for a particular property.

Planning and Development Certificates

Planning and Development Certificates provide planning and development related information, such as planning provisions (in accordance with the Planning Act 2016), that apply to a particular property.  A person may apply to a local government for a limited, standard or full planning and development certificate.

Limited Planning and Development Certificate - Allow 5 business days to process
A limited planning and development certificate must contain the following information:

  • Summary of the planning scheme provisions applying specifically to the premises;
  • Description of any designations applying to the premises;
  • A copy of any information recorded for the premises in the infrastructure charges register.

Standard Planning and Development Certificate - Allow 10 business days to process
A standard planning and development certificate, in addition to the information contained in a limited planning and development certificate, must contain the following information:

  • A copy of every decision notice or negotiated decision notice for a development approval that has not lapsed;
  • A copy of every compliance permit or compliance certificate in effect at the time the standard planning and development certificate is given;
  • Details of any permissible changes to a development approval given under the Planning Act 2016 or minor changes made to a development approval given under repealed Integrated Planning Act.

Full Planning and Development Certificate - Allow 30 business days to process
A full planning and development certificate, in addition to the information contained in a limited and standard planning and development certificate, must contain the following information:

  • A statement about the fulfillment or non-fulfillment of each condition contained within a current development approval or a compliance permit.

Building and Plumbing Records Searches

Building and Plumbing Records Search - Allow 7 business days to process
A Building and Plumbing Records Search provides written advice about all building and plumbing applications for a property and any building or plumbing requisitions registered against the property. This search includes a copy of the Sanitary Drainage Plan and Water/Sewer/Stormwater Services Plan.  It does not include copies of building plans or documents. 

Approved building plans for a particular property can be viewed or copies obtained from Council by submitting a Building File Retrieval Request Form(PDF, 377KB). Building plans may contain site and floor plans, elevations, bracing plan, footing and slab information and submitted architectural and engineering plans. Owner’s signature or letter of consent from owner/body corporate is required for all requests.

Certificate of Classification - Allow 7 business days to process
A copy of any existing certificate/s of classification is provided if available.

If there is no existing certificate of classification and one is required for a building or structure built before 30 April 1998, then a formal application to Council through the lodgement of Form 13 is required.

Pool Safety Certification Inspection - Allow 5 business days to process
A pool safety certificate inspection provides confirmation that a pool or spa complies with legislation.  Our licensed pool safety inspector will carry out a pool safety inspection and issue a pool safety certificate.

Sanitary Drainage Plan (SDP) - Allow 7 business days to process
A sanitary drainage plan identifies the location of the internal house drainage to sewer jump up.

Water/Sewer/Stormwater Services Plan
A services plan identifies the location of Council’s sewer main and water services to allotment and includes street frontage, invert and surface level of sewer line.

Engineering – Road and Flood Searches

Road and Drainage Acquisition or Realignment Details
This search provides current road and drainage acquisitions or realignment details.  This search does not include identification of existing easements – see official title deed at Department of Natural Resources and Mines.

Flood Search - Allow 7 business days to process
A flood search provides modelling data on Fitzroy River and Local Creek Catchment flooding.  Information provided in flood searches has been obtained from modelling of the Fitzroy River and/or the Local Creek Catchments and indicates the flood level at or near the property of request.  In order to calculate actual depth of flooding, it will be necessary for the ground level of the property to be determined by a licensed surveyor.