Development Applications


The Development Assessment team manages development applications for material changes of use, reconfigurations of lots, operational works and building works assessable against the Planning Scheme through the development Assessment process under the Planning Act 2016. The team supports this primary role with services such as pre-lodgement meetings, negotiating decision notices, issuing infrastructure charges notices and managing Planning and Environment Court appeals which involve Council.

If you are proposing development on your property, clearly identify what you would like to do and make a free appointment to speak to Council’s Duty Planner. The Duty Planner will be able to assist with general advice about which Council development provisions apply to your proposal and answer questions you may have about the development process.

The Duty Planner Office is open from 9.00am to 4.00pm Monday to Friday. To book an appointment, contact Council on (07) 4936 8099 or alternatively, email the Duty Planner on