Rockhampton Region Centres Activation
Rockhampton Regional Council recognises that vibrant, strong and prosperous commercial centres are critical for the long-term economic success of the Rockhampton Region.
Council continues to work with property and business owners to deliver initiatives that contribute to commercial centres being destinations where people want to live, work and play.
The initiatives, programs and strategies that Council are currently working on are:
Riverside Alive Activation Program
Riverbank Revitalisation Project
Rockhampton CBD Redevelopment Framework (including a suite of technology implemented along the Riverbank)
Façade Improvement Scheme
Pilot Dining Platform Program
Wayfinding and Signage Strategy
Development Incentives Policy
Rockhampton CBD Residential Rates Concession
Ongoing place making initiatives including planter boxes, window decals, and artistic wrapping of traffic controller boxes, NBN nodes and NBN pillars.
Council encourages you to meet with the Centres Activation Coordinator to talk about specific opportunities relevant to you or how you can be involved. For more information contact Advance Rockhampton on (07) 4932 9000 or 1300 22 55 77 or email