Current Tenders

Council utilises the Queensland Government QTender website, an online tendering resource, to promote and publish quotes and tenders, and to provide a secure platform to receive responses from respondents.

Council tenders currently available for offer include:

To obtain a copy of a tender document, please click the relevant link above and commence the registration process. At the completion of the registration process, you will be provided with a link to download the tender documents. Click here for more information on the QTenders website.(PDF, 27KB)

The Doing Business with Council - Guide for Contractors & Suppliers(PDF, 953KB) provides useful information for businesses who wish to supply goods and/or services to Council.

A list of Council's current Pre-Qualified Supplier Arrangements(PDF, 166KB) and their expiry dates is available.

If you have any questions Council's Contracts and Tenders Unit can be contacted on 07 4932 9000.