Allocations & Trading

Fitzroy River Water operates and maintains the water supply and water infrastructure for the Rockhampton Region and is responsible for the administration of water allocations and seasonal water assignments from the Fitzroy River Barrage Water Supply Scheme.

Owners of water allocations are able to draw an allocated amount of raw water from the Fitzroy River within the Barrage area in accordance with legislative and contract requirements as defined in The Water Plan (Fitzroy Basin) 2011 prepared under the provisions of the Water Act 2000.

As at 1 July 2020 there were approximately 297 medium priority water allocation holders within the scheme that have a combined annual allocation of 11,610ML and two high priority water allocation holders with total annual allocation of 100ML.

To apply for a water allocation you must:

To amalgamate or sub-divide your water allocation you must:

To assign some or all of your water to someone else as a temporary trade you must:

Water Trading Register

The water trading register lists the parties interested in trading water (purchasing, selling and/or leasing) within the Fitzroy River Barrage. If you are interested in trading water you have the option to contact the people listed below or you can add your own details to the register.

To add or remove your details to the register you must:

Water for Sale




 Patricia Buckton 5 ML 0428 310 482 

 Gary James & Linda Margaret McClelland 

20 ML 0428 749 806 or
07 4922 1535

 Wanting to Purchase





 JK & PA Peach

5 ML  07 4927 1436 
 Coaldust Quarter Horses 20 ML   0427 848 188 or
0439 713 522 

 Kathleen Allen

5 ML 0418 194 514
 Peter Foxwell 400 ML 0429 700 039

 Hedley Dahl 2-4 ML 0408 759 323  


 Anthony (Tony) Everingham 

up to

100 ML

 0439 342 904 

 Wanting to Lease (become lessee)




 Coaldust Quarter Horses 20 ML  0427 848 188 or
0439 713 522
 Peter Foxwel 400 ML 0429 700 039

 Anthony (Tony) Everingham

up to

100 ML

0439 342 904 

Rod Hewitt

30 ML 0407 716 116 

Water for Lease (become lessor)





 Adrian Hannam & Jenn Stanley

20 ML 07 4934 2196  N/A

 Gary James & Linda Margaret McClelland

20 ML  0428 749 806 or
 07 4922 1535

 Graham & Harold Berry

20 ML  0417 704 609

 Smith Bros Pty Ltd

 2 x 10 ML  0427 582 411 

 R & B Travers

1 ML  07 4934 1312   N/A